Financial Assistance
Living with mesothelioma cancer means confronting your financial situation and realizing you probably will need assistance to pay your normal bills. The disease of mesothelioma cancer can drastically change your finances. You will be responsible for new, unexpected costs, and if you are still working you likely will need to find ways to live without the full income from your job.The biggest expense coming your way will be a share of medical bills. Even with good medical insurance, some expenses will not be covered.
The number and amounts of these new costs can come as a surprise. They can also add up quickly. To help get as much financial assistance as you can, it's a good idea to track your new expenses. That allows you to document the help you will want.
Financial assistance, however, is only available to you for a limited time after receiving your cancer diagnosis. It is important to decide early which types of assistance you are interested in pursuing. A qualified mesothelioma attorney can help. Your attorney will discuss your options and aid you in seeking compensation from any resource available.
Two Categories of Financial Assistance
Your financial assistance options can be separated into two categories: general assistance and specific assistance. Here are the guidelines for each category:General Assistance | Specific Assistance | |
Who is eligible? | Anyone with a serious illness | Mesothelioma patients |
What are some examples? | Insurance, workers compensation | Mesothelioma trust funds, lawsuit settlements, lawsuit verdicts |
How long does it take to receive compensation? | May take up to several months | May take years |
How much compensation can I expect? | Generally determined by amount of medical expenses | Generally determined by amount of medical and other expenses. Can be significantly more than general assistance. |
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